juttuja australiasta

olin vaihtarina Australiassa, South Australian osavaltion pääkaupungissa Adelaidessa syyslukukauden 2006.. tässä tarinaa matkan varrelta!

Monday, July 24, 2006

In English again

Today i was on my first lectures in Adelaide. I haven't completely decided the courses i want to take though, the uni has very cool courses in canoeing and surfing and bushwalking and so on so i'm still trying to study something like that here as well. But at the moment it looks like it's going to be international studies and political science for me this semester. It's BORING to be back at courses! Normally i would still be on summer holiday, and we've had a three weeks long holiday here so far, so it was hard to get to lectures but on the other hand it's really interesting too cause that's the place where we can meet "real" Australian students!

Everything is really good and i have met many wonderful people, so i'm not too homesick. Only bad thing at the moment is the cold weather. I think it's something like 12 degrees here.. not quite as bad as Finnish winter i admit, but the difference is that houses are not warm inside. It's understandable that the houses are built to keep the heat outside, but the airconditioning is often on and the doors and windows are kept open and i can't understand why!! Also in our flat, there is a 1 cm gap under the door where cold air is streaming in all the time. We're having the heater on but it doesn't help much cause after a while, the apt. is cold again.

As you figured out, i have finally managed to find accommodation. Living at the hostel was nice in the sense that all newly arrived intl students could meet each other there but two weeks in a shared dorm is not a party really. So now i'm living with a Mexican and a French girl, Alina and Aurelie, and they both are really cute and lovely! The apartment is in a new house on Bent Street in the centre of Adelaide, it's a three bedroom fully furnished unit and we're really happy we got it, cause we all loved it from the first time we saw it. It's also wonderful to live in the centre for a change, don't have to worry about buses and taxis here! Next weekend we're going to have our housewarming/my birthday party in our apartment and 50 people are invited.

Apart from that nothing much is new really... those of you guys who've been on exchange already know what this is about! Parties, meeting interesting people from all over the world, making trips etc! Hope all of you are well. Thanks for the e-mails and comments, i'm replying as fast as i can. When i get the internet connected to our flat we can keep in touch better with skype and MSN. If you want my Australian number or address it's just to drop a mail! And if anyone happens to pass by Adelaide, it's even needless to mention that you're more than welcome to visit. Bye for now, take care mates ;)


At 04:09, Blogger Mari said...

ciao heidi rakas!!! :) ihana kuulla susta, en ollu muistanu ettà pidàt blogia. ihanalta kuullostaa kaikki mità siellà on ehtinyt tapahtua... mulla on enàà 10pvàà italiassa jàljellà, sniif. viikonloppuna oltiin gardajàrvellà, siellà oli rock on the rock festarit -oli niin mielettòmàn upeeta!!! vuorilta avautui upeet nàkòalat alas jàrvelle, ihmisiù oli ympàri maailmaa(mm.australiasta!) mutta ei liikaa(niin ettà sai kontaktia)! oltiin lauran ja kolmen pojan kanssa siellà, ja pojat kustansi meille kaiken! wauh,italialaiset osaa olla herrasmiehià:). juu, oo onnellinen vaan sààstà - -tààllà on niin kuuma, ettà viime yònà mun oli pakko kàydà suihkussa keskellà yòtà!ja nukkua paljaalla lattialla, koska sàngyssà on jàrkyttàvàn kuuma! :D hihii. mutta ollaan yhteyksissà!! OOT RAKAS! haleja**

At 14:44, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidi!!!!!! It's great to read about your adventures in Australia... I am jealous to see you with exchange students that are not us!!! But I understand that it is your turn. I am glad to see that you have a mexican roomate so you will have another reason to come to visit =) Take care


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